June 2, 2010

Current Totals ... Thank You!!

I'm getting ready to relocate to Star Valley Ranch, Wyoming this week. As I am preparing to leave St. George, I am reminded of all the support and love that has been shown for this service project. Here are the totals of what we have sent in support of the children in Afghanistan!

Alphabet Borders - 1
Alphabet Letters - 7 sets
Bandaids - 30
Binders - 1
Caddy - 1
Calculator - 1
Chalk - 124 pcs
Colored Pencils - 1731
Coloring Books - 3
Construction Paper - 1669
Crayons - 7406
Dental Floss - 8
Dry Board Erasers - 2
Dry Erase Markers - 50
Envelopes - 409
Expandable File - 1
Glue Bottles - 8
Glue Sticks - 115
Graph Paper - 80
Handi Tak - 1
Hanging File Folders - 32
Learning Cards - 7 boxes
High Liters - 243
Manuscript Paper - 1400
Markers - 395
Notebooks - 259
Notepads - 27
Paper - 21570
Paper Clips - 800
Pencil Erasers - 1597
Pencil Sharpeners - 381
Pencils - 3796
Pens - 3265
Playdoh - 4 bottles
Push Pins - 100
Pocket Folders - 214
Rulers - 74
Scissors - 38
Stationary - 7
Stickers - 2001
Tab Dividers - 10
Tape - 2 boxes
Toothbrushes - 182
Toothpaste - 212
Tracing Strips - 14
Water Color Pads - 3
Water Color Paint - 6
Wet Erase Markers - 47
Zip Lock Bags - 450
Helmet Liners / Hats - 86
Cash Donations - $935

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