February 26, 2010

Delivery Made!

Wednesday, February 24th 2010, Mark made his first delivery of school supplies to the Sheik Mati boys school in Qalat. This was the grand opening event of the school and their were quite a few local political people including dignitaries from the US Military. I'm waiting to get names and pictures so I can post them but, in the mean while, please know that your contributions have started to make their way to the children. Mark told me this morning that another distribution will be made next week but, I am not sure of the details on the school or location. I'm so glad that we have this opportunity to make a difference in the lives of children so far away who have so little. I finished reading Three Cups of Tea this week and continue to be inspired to do more. Today I was in Walmart purchasing folders for .05 cents a piece and had some women behind me that were curious as what the folders would be for. I told them of our project and passed along my newly created business card for this project. I hope the spirit of humanitarian work will continue to spread not only for this project but for so many in the world who are in need of assistance.

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